Friday, August 12, 2011

Here's to us!

Words fall short sometimes. This is one of those posts.

When I walked into this office, I had no idea that I will be meeting one of the most amazing people that I have ever met in my life, and that person will become the steadiest rock of my life. She'll pull me through shit like no one ever has, She'll stay up with me all night and talk random non sense, and be there when I need her the most. Today when you are leaving the country and traveling to a far away land, I can only look back at us and smile. I promised myself, I won't cry and see you off with a smile.

Don't think I can do justice to explain how much you mean to me, but I guess you already know.

Here's to us :)

One of those evenings, when we cried and laughed at the same time.
To all those evenings on the balcony with chai and sutta.
Through break-ups and hook-ups.
Through boring work days.
On the spot decisions to go out and have lunch for no reason good enough.
To all the drunken nights.
To the earth-quake and chinese ambulance.
For all those hours of mega counseling and 'life sucks' conversations.

Love you forever Jackass!

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