Monday, August 23, 2010

Romancing the Confusion!

Confusion, Confusion, where art thou?
I'm standing on my fragile, ashen balcony on a listless moonlit night.
Come save me from this flawless marble palace!
I fancy a thunderstorm tonight!
Everybody is upto something, what am I upto?

The statement inspired me to think beyond the crisp lines of the simple life, and wonder - how are our lives without the occassional ripples of 'un-announced' chaos?.. Dreadfully drab - isn't it?

We crave so much, the dubious 'un-wantedness' of the moment of utter confusion. Sounds like a paradox? Why yes it is!!

Well, what are we- without the sweet confusion? Leading simple robotic lives, walking in and out of everyday chores; succumbing to the peaceful perfection of our daily routine; finding happiness in trivialities of discount shopping and occassional gossip! I have only one word to describe it - 'uneventful'.

It may be difficult to admit our secret desire for the forbidden dark Romeo, but we all know that chaos and disruptions only make us stronger. The centrifugal pull of the 'dark-hole'ish sinister that makes you bend all rules, and jump in blind-folded just to domesticate the gigantic turmoil-- finally acknowledges the strength of your spirit.

The adrenaline rush that engulfs you, and drags you to the point of no return- finally salutes your victory! The Sly Prince of dark drama calls you towards a rocky trail of complexity, which finally quenches your thirst of adventure & your sense of triumph!

We longed for this drama, we longed for this confusion! ---The more the hurdles, the better we establish; as the challenges get higher- our satisfaction reaches it's zenith. We are all waiting to fall into the trap over and over again, just to be rescued again from our mundane existence!

It gives us purpose to Strive, it gives us a direction again--it adds just the right amount of spice & pulls on all the right strings.... Preparing us to tackle the next level of chaos! The next level of romance...

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