Monday, August 20, 2007

think of the days you have left behind you!
if you get a chance would you go back?
if you get a warning would you fall off again?
if you knew what's in store...would you go ahead??

life is like a kite ... fly it high enough for everyone to see your success, lower it down when the winds are less... there is no fun in trying something without a challenge! fly with the wind when the wind blows hard... ride on the storm and achieve ur goal!
think you have achieved enough.... take a look around you!

1 comment:

  1. Me again,
    Writing too many copies...?
    Fancy a puff and hot sip, blinking at nothingness;mind flying higher than vultures probably do?

    Are you trying to capsule life into an atom box...aging without aging/ feeling the obesity of weightlessness?

    Are you confused like the Newtons? Come on... look back and you can see life is all so wonderful and colourful that you were really missing it all your life... Wake up friend... jump out of your nighties, feel the freshness of the morn... peep out of the window sil and feel the fragrance of the golden rays that is tickling your curtains, pull them out let the coolness fill your room and drive away the lethargy you have been feeling....
    Good luck..
